
Transition Training 2018

Hello friends of Autumn Sun community

Transition was started by Rob Hopkins about 10 years ago in England, where there are now whole towns involved and active. At that time the focus was dwindling oil supplies (peak oil) and now the focus is climate change. The US, and especially VA has been a little slower to respond.😉

TransitionRVA.org was founded fairly quickly and has had its ups and downs. Derryl Cocks was an original founder and Ken Schaal, joined the effort about 5 years ago. For a variety of reasons — mostly called LIFE — we have been inactive for the past 2 to 3 years. TransitionUS has continued to make progress, and is now offering startup training over the next few months. It seems like the timing is right on, given the state of our politics and especially our need to pay attention to our climate and what we have done to it!

Revitalizing Transition RVA

We are looking to re-vitalize the group and its core competency of resilience and are looking for people to join this group to help oversee our operations in Richmond and Ashland.

Please let us know if you are interested in this (project, effort, adventure, cause, etc.) Of course you don’t need to take any training to be an active meetup member. A good core group of 6-8 would be best though.

TransitionUS offers the following reasons to be involved:

  • How to make sense of our fast-changing and increasingly-complex world,

  • How to harness the power of positive vision to inspire others,

  • How to form and nurture high performance in groups, and

  • How to maintain personal and group resilience while doing the work you love.

Transition Training

Transition US is offering a Transition Launch Online Training on Thursdays, September 20 Through November 8, 2:00-3:30pm Eastern.


This online version of our most popular training is a unique opportunity to engage in a dynamic, international learning cohort from the comfort of your own home, at a lower cost and with a smaller carbon footprint than traditional face-to-face offerings.

Double-down on your commitment to help bring about a truly regenerative future by joining our online community today!

We have negotiated a reduced tuition for 3 or more folks, of $90 each. Further reductions are possible. Since Derryl and I are both here in Ashland, at Autumn Sun Community (autumnsunlane.com), we will be logged on and could combine that with a meetup for those who might be able to sit in occasionally.

Register to attend session at Autumn Sun at https://www.meetup.com/TransitionRichmond/events/qbpcgqyxmbbc/.

With your own registration, you can of course attend from anywhere!

Video Evenings

We would like to resume our video evenings. Possibly one night a month in Ashland and another in Richmond. We welcome suggestions about what videos to show., what projects to engage in, and what evening best suits all that are interested.

All the best

Ken Schaal and Derryl Cocks